Justice-centered pluralistic democracy
protects Iranian sovereignty
and safeguards just and whole peace!
همه مهر جویید و افسون کنید / ز تن جامه جنگ بیرون کنید
هم از آشتی کام مردم رواست / که نابود باد هر که او جنگ خواست
Seek love, O' all--and make magic [create wonder].
Take off the attire of war...
Humanity's well-being flows out of peace;
[So] may all who want war disappear.
Peace-seeking / صلحجو
Independent / مستقل
Caring / دلسوز
Extremism-avoiding / افراط گریز
Peace in the Middle (herein) is the underlying concept for:
Compassion and Coexistence National Coalition of Iran
Democratic, non-ideological, Pluralistic, Justice-oriented, Nonviolent
آشتی در میان ایده زیربنایی است برای: ائتلاف ملی مروت و مدارای ایران
مردم سالار, غیر ایدئولوژیک, عرفی-کثرت گرا, عدالتخواه, خشونت پرهیز
Based on the Iranian Nonviolence Charter
Founded by Moji Agha (Mojtaba Aghamohammadi), whose English language mini-bio (in need of updating) is here:
خلاصه بیوگرافی (به زبان فارسی) مجتبی آقامحمدی در صفحه "پروفایل" شبکه اجتماعی کلاب هاوس به شرح زیر است
Moji Agha
پایه گذار طرح ایجاد ائتلاف ملی مروت و مدارای ایران
پایه گذار پروژه آشتی در میان (این صفحه)
مولف منشور خشونت پرهیزی ایرانیان
انستیتو میراث مصدق
Moji Agha
مجتبی آقامحمدی
آزاد کنید آزاده را / آزاده دل تاجزاده را * روزشمار زندان و روزه داری اعتراضی
یا حسین، میرحسین
درود بر تاجزاده * سلام بر میراث مصدق، یعنی دموکراسی کثرت گرای طالب عدالت اجتماعی--یعنی راه خاتمی، امیرانتظام، بازرگان، انقلاب مشروطه، و امیرکبیر
کجا ایستاده ام؟
چرا همدرد براندازان ولی مخالف براندازی هستم؟
علیرغم همدردی عمیق با "براندازان" نگران و به حق خشمگین، مخالف براندازی هستنم، به دلیل نگرانی و ترس عمیق از احتمال واقعی خشونت فراگیر "سرزمین سوخته،" یعنی وقوع جنگ خانمانسوز داخلی، حمله خارجی و تجزیه ایران--و البته، فروپاشی کامل اقتصادی-اجتماعی، همراه با گرسنگی، بیماری، تشنگی، و قحطی گسترده؛ و تخریب کامل محیط زیست کشور.
1- پشتیبان اصلاحات پیشرو و ساختاری (حامی منش مصطفی تاجزاده--خواهان تحول خشونت پرهیز); با چهار دهه تدریس و تحقیق, کنشگری مدنی-اجتماعی فعال، بویژه در حیطه های صلح طلبی، عدالتخواهی، حقوق بشری، و پاسداری از زمین.
2- ساکن غربت اجباری در آمريکا (با قلبی در ایران)، مخالف براندازی، ولی همدرد براندازان خشمگین ولی دلسوز وطن.
3- افراط گریز، مستقل، دلسوز، و مدافع ساختاری حق رای، و بنابراین، هوادار راه امیرکبیر، گاندی، مصدق، بازرگان، امیرانتظام، ماندلا، میرحسین، تاجزاده -- و برنی ساندرز.
4- مدرس بازنشسته دانشگاه، تحصیلکرده (با سه دهه تجربه حرفه ای--حالا بازنشسته) در روانشناسی، بویژه روانشناسی فرهنگی، حل اختلاف و کثرت شناسی.
5- کنشگر فعال (عملی و گفتمانی) در صلح طلبی عدالت محور (و جنبش خشونت پرهیزی)، مردم سالاری معنوی انسانگرا، گفتگوی بین الادیان (با تاکید بر نواندیشی دینی)، و مبارزه با بحران دهشتناک اقلیم و نابودی محیط زیست.
6- مولف کتابی در حیطه ترک سیگار؛ شاعر، مترجم و مقاله نویس دوزبانه--فارسی و انگلیسی.
7- دارای ذوقکی قلقلکی در سرودن شعر, طنزپردازی, و ترانه سرایی مدنی-اجتماعی البته آماتور.
لینک شعر هستی شناسانه ام, به زبان انگلیسی
ایمیل تماس
Iranian Charters for
Free Elections and Nonviolence
منشورهای ایرانی برای
انتخابات آزاد و خشونت پرهیزی
http:// iraniannonviolencecharter. blogspot.com/
Iranian Nonviolence Charter
Foundational principles for an (envisioned) Iranian Nonviolence Front -- a collaborative public interest coalition
Toward the healing of all wounds through comprehensive dialogue
Originally drafted March 2018--updated July 2020, March 2021
Proposed by Moji Agha (Mojtaba Aghamohammadi) in consultation with Mostafa Tajzadeh
The following condensed English translation of this Charter is more suitable for persons who consider English as their mother tongue:
منشور هفت نه و هفت آری
یک- نه به خشونت ورزی (حکومتی و ضد حکومتی)، سلطه طلبی، ماجراجویی و جنگ؛ آری به خشونت پرهیزی و صلح، یعنی آری به احترام متقابل، همزیستی مسالمت آمیز، تنش زدایی و گفتگو با همه کشورها و مردمان جهان
- YES to nonviolence and peace, based on mutual respect, effective conflict resolution, and dialogue with all countries and peoples of the world.
- NO to state-sponsored —or anti-state— violence, domination and war.
دو- نه به استانداردهای دوگانه، یعنی بر دیگران روا نداریم آنچه را که بر خود جایز نمی دانیم. به عبارت
دیگر، نه به بیعدالتی و ظلم، خودی و غیرخودی کردن شهروندان و تبعیض (بویژه ساختاری)، و البته نه به فساد و رانتخواری؛ آری به عدالت واقعی (نه شعاری) و بویژه آری به سلامت و استقلال قوه قضائیه
- YES to real fairness and justice; and, in particular, to the robust independence and operational health of the judiciary.
- NO to treating others in ways that we would not like to be treated; to corruption, injustice, bias, prejudice and oppression--that divide citizens into "us" and "the other."
سه- نه به براندازی، تک صدایی (استبدادی یا بیگانه محور) و حذف مخالفان، یعنی نه به تحریم طلبی، وابستگی استعماری و دخالت خارجی در امور داخلی ایران؛ آری به استقلال، کرامت ملی و خودکفایی واقعیت محور (بدور از تظاهر و شعار)، یعنی آری به آزادی از استبداد داخلی و استعمار خارجی؛ به عبارت دیگر، آری به گفتگو و وفاق مردم سالارانه بر سر منافع ملی و حیاتی کشور
- YES to sovereignty and independence, national dignity, and authentic self-reliance; to dialogue and democracy; to coming together around the country’s vital interests.
- NO to the elimination of opposing voices, sanctions that punish innocent civilians, "regime-change," and foreign interference in the internal affairs of Iran.
چهار- نه به برتری دادن به هر یک از سه عنصر هویت ایرانی، یعنی ایرانیت، اسلامیت، و تجدد به ضرر دو عنصر دیگر، به هر دلیل؛ آری به احترام متوازن و تلاش بی وقفه برای هم افزایی این سه عنصر جدایی ناپذیر هویت ایرانی
- YES to the mutual respect and collaborative synergy among the three inseparable characteristics of the Iranian identity: ancient pre-Islamic traditions, Islamic contributions, and modern information and sensibilities.
- NO to making any one of these three crucial pillars dominant at the expense of the other two.
پنج- نه به عصبیت دینی-مذهبی و فرقه گرایی، بویژه مسلمان-غیرمسلمان و شیعی-سنی؛ آری به معنویت و تکثر دینی-عقیدتی
- YES to both a common, shared, deep spirituality and to religious and ideological pluralism.
- NO to sectarian bigotry and tribalism — in particular, Muslim vs. non-Muslim and Shi'a vs. Sunni.
شش- نه به ایران گرایی یکسانطلب و تنوعستیز و هر گونه قومگرایی واگرا و دیگرستیز؛ آری به همدلی و همبستگی ملی همه اقوام و مردمان ایرانی
- YES to the interdependence and mutual respect of all Iranian peoples and ethnic groups.
- NO to any form of racist, supremacist or xenophobic ideology that opposes ethno-cultural diversity and institutionalizes homogeneity.
هفت- نه به بنیادگرایی و تمامیتخواهی (چه اسلامی چه سکولار) و بویژه نه به افراط و تفریط، یعنی نه به تک صدایی در هر زمینه (مثلا نه به نظارت استصوابی و محروم کردن منتقدان و مخالفان از نامزد شدن، و یا امتیاز ویژه برای فرد یا قشر خاصی قائل شدن)؛ آری به اعتدال و میانه روی، یعنی آری به همیاری و گفتگوی فراگیر در تمامی زمینه ها، بویژه در مسائل بغرنج سیاسی، اقتصادی و زیست محیطی
- YES to temperance and political stability, grounded in fairness and inclusion of disparate views of governance and policy.
- NO to totalitarianism (either Islamic or secular), including the stifling of divergent voices (e.g., the pre-election disqualification of candidates by governmental fiat), or the favoring of particular individuals, sects, or factions.
Our Greatest Dream is the
Nonviolent Republic of Iran (NVRI )
بزرگترین رؤیای ما "جمهوری خشونت پرهیز ایران" است
1) For more information (and context) about this initiative, please see (below) the "Background" section, and further below, see the 2018 post, entitled:
Peace in the Middle: Caring and Moderate Independent Peace-seekers of Iran.
2) Our "Peace in the Middle" initiative is blessed with the supportive honorary endorsements of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate) and the legendary professors, Noam Chomsky and Cornel West -- as well as having Prof. Richard Falk as an honorary endorser and volunteer advisor.
3) Our undertaking's TEMPORARY nonprofit organization
"incubation host" is UCIIKA, namely the UNIVERSAL COALITION FOR INTERFAITH AND INTERCULTURAL KNOWLEDGE AND ACTION-- Arizona Corporation Commission File # 10430389. UCIIKA is recognized by the IRS as "private foundation"
nonprofit organization--mostly inactive at present. It was co-founded in Tucson, Arizona in Sept. 2002 by Bruce Bridegroom (of the Law Office of Bruce Bridegroom) and Moji Agha -- Mojtaba Aghamohammadi -- who has also initiated the present "Peace in the Middle'' (and Iranian Nonviolence Charter) initiative.
Contact email: moji.agha@gmail.com
Revised/updated May 1, 2021
SUMMARY OF INTENDED INITIAL STEPS -- For more info, see the "basic framework" outline immediately below:
1- A "live" Iranian (and American, etc.) "peace in the middle" dialogue room in Club House, bilingual as needed.
2- An Iran peace-in-the middle podcast--and an initial (more developed) website for this initiative.
3- The Persian "IMAGINE Peace" song--and the "Iranam" (My Iran) Persian peace song.
BASIC FRAMEWORK of the Peace in the Middle (آشتی در میان) initiative--in outline format:
First draft outline by Moji Agha (مجتبی آقامحمدی)
First draft outline by Moji Agha (مجتبی آقامحمدی)
Boulder, Colorado -- Sept. 11, 2020 (revised/updated March 11, 2021)
Contact email: moji.agha@gmail.com
Organizational Structure and Financial Character
To move beyond our present (above-mentioned) temporary short-term relationship with UCIIKA, we intend to build a more durable collaborative affiliation with an appropriate peace-centered and Iran-sensitive reputable American civil society organization as the "incubation" host of our Peace in the Middle Initiative, which is (and will remain) a strictly not-for-profit independently functioning peace-building effort, served basically by volunteers.
To move beyond our present (above-mentioned) temporary short-term relationship with UCIIKA, we intend to build a more durable collaborative affiliation with an appropriate peace-centered and Iran-sensitive reputable American civil society organization as the "incubation" host of our Peace in the Middle Initiative, which is (and will remain) a strictly not-for-profit independently functioning peace-building effort, served basically by volunteers.
Basic Outline of our Initiative's Framework
Peace in the Middle (آشتی در میان) is a "coming-together" hub or "square" (میدان), that has the below-outlined collaborative action-oriented spokes or avenues (خیابان ها) radiating from it:
Peace in the Middle (آشتی در میان) is a "coming-together" hub or "square" (میدان), that has the below-outlined collaborative action-oriented spokes or avenues (خیابان ها) radiating from it:
AVENUES (or spokes) OF THE "PEACE IN THE MIDDLE" SQUARE (or hub) -- خیابان های میدان آشتی در میان
1- Voting Rights and Nonviolence Avenue
خیابان حق رای و خشونت پرهیزی
a) House of the Plan (proposed by Mostafa Tajzadeh) for the Democratic and Nonviolent Development of Iran
a) House of the Plan (proposed by Mostafa Tajzadeh) for the Democratic and Nonviolent Development of Iran
خانه طرح (پیشنهادی مصطفی تاجزاده) برای توسعه مردم سالار و خشونت پرهیز ایران
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Kzy1n9evThM&t=529s
Listen to the minutes 105 to 128 of this podcast--in Persian
b) House of the Iranian Charter for Free Elections
خانه منشور ایرانی برای انتخابات آزاد
c) House of the Iranian Nonviolence Charter
(Contains some suggested lessons from the 2011 U.S. Occupy Wall Street Movement)
خانه منشور خشونت پرهیزی ایرانیان
(حاوی برخی دروس پیشنهادی از جنبش تسخیر "وال استریت" ۲۰۱۱آمریکا)
http:// iraniannonviolencecharter. blogspot.com/
c (1) Room of the "Nonviolent Republic of Iran (NVRI )" Dream
اتاق رؤیای "جمهوری خشونت پرهیز" ایران
The idea of the NVRI was dreamt (literally) by Moji Agha on April 16, 2021.
d) The House of Those who Care for Iran Think Tank
خانه اتاق فکری دلسوزان ایران
d (1) The Room for the Human Scientific Project of "What Has Happened" and "What to Do Now?"
اتاق پروژه علمی چه گذشته و چه باید کرد
d (2) The Room in Clubhouse for Organizing Private Small "Group Therapy" Sessions to Help Heal the Many Wounds of Those who Care for Iran
d (3) The Specialized Room in Clubhouse for the Training of "Moderators" of Online Iranian Civil Society Groups
e) House of the "Apologize and Forgive" Campaign to Prepare the Grounds for an "Truth and Reconciliation" Process for Iran
خانه کمپین "پوزش و بخشش" برای آماده کردن زمینه برای پروسه "حقیقت و آشتی" ایران
f) House of Mossadegh Legacy Institute
خانه انستیتو میراث مصدق
خانه حلقه های خشونت پرهیزی و همکاری مدنی
- ETC. 2- Dialogue of Peace Avenue
خیابان گفتگوی صلح
a) House of Dialogue Between American and Iranian People
خانه گفتگوی مردم ایران و آمریکا
a (1) Room of Bilingual Iranian and American people "live" peace chat
a (1) Room of Bilingual Iranian and American people "live" peace chat
اتاق گپ
"لایو" مردم آمریکا و ایران
PROJECT OUTLINE (preliminary)
A regularly and periodically open (say, 3-4 hours twice a week -- a.m. U.S. / p.m. Iran time) bilingual "live" informal dialogue room (in Club House -- connected to Instagram, etc.) in which individual and small groups of American and Iranian people can directly talk to one another about peace, etc. (translated as needed) in their living rooms--or other informal spaces.
b) House of the U.S.-Iran Dialogue
خانه گفتگوی ایران و امریکا
c) House of Dialogue of Iranian, American (and other) Peoples, About the Environment and the Climate Crisis
خانه گفتگوی ایرانیان, آمریکائیان (و دیگر مردمان) در باره محیط زیست و بحران اقلیم
d) House of the International Institute to Study Climate Change in the Islamic World
- ETC.
3- Communication and Art of Peace Avenue
خیابان ارتباط و هنر صلح
a) House of Peace Music and Song
a) House of Peace Music and Song
خانه موسیقی و آواز صلح
a (1) Room of Persian Songs of Peace
a (1) Room of Persian Songs of Peace
اتاق آوازهای فارسی صلح
- The "Imagine" Peace song -- on the basis John Lennon's Imagine!
ترانه "تصور کن" صلح
- My Iran (Peace) Song -- on the basis of "Silent Night"
ترانه ایرانم
ترانه ایرانم
b) House of Peace Communication
خانه ارتباط صلح
خانه ارتباط صلح
b (1) Room of Iran Peace in the Middle Podcast
اتاق پادکست آشتی در میان ایران
PROJECT OUTLINE (preliminary)
PROJECT OUTLINE (preliminary)
A bilingual Internet-based audio (and visual, when possible) podcast medium, initially having 2 weekly 1-hour "live" presentations, one in Persian and one in English; Produced by Moji Agha, and co-hosted by him and one co-host, with occasional guests, as possible and appropriate.
b (2) Room of "Peace in the Middle" Website -- and Support Software
b (2) Room of "Peace in the Middle" Website -- and Support Software
اتاق تارنما (و نرم افزارهای حمایتی) آشتی در میان
b (3) Room of "Peace in the Middle" Social Networking Media -- like Club House, Facebook and Instagram
b (3) Room of "Peace in the Middle" Social Networking Media -- like Club House, Facebook and Instagram
اتاق رسانه و شبکه های اجتماعی آشتی در میان -- از قبیل "کلاب هاوس," فیس بوک و اینستاگرام
b (4) Room of "Peace in the Middle" Graphic, Animation, and Film Arts
b (4) Room of "Peace in the Middle" Graphic, Animation, and Film Arts
اتاق هنرهای گرافیک, انیمیشن, و فیلم آشتی در میان
- ETC.
4- Understanding Culture and Conflict Avenue
خیابان درک فرهنگ و اختلاف
a) House of Culture-analysis
خانه فرهنگ-کاوی
a (1) Room of Culture-analytic Understanding of Conflict
اتاق درک فرهنگ-کاوانه اختلاف
b) House of Interfaith Dialogue for Peace-building
خانه گفتگوی بین ادیان برای صلح-سازی
- ETC.
5- NO to Colonization and Islamophobia Avenue
خیابان نه به استعمار و اسلام هراسی
a) House of NATR: Native/American Truth and Reconciliation Initiative
خانه پروژه "حقیقت و آشتی" مردمان بومی آمریکا
b) House of Un-demonization
خانه هیولا زدایی
https://undemonization. blogspot.com/
- ETC.
- ETC.
6- Intersectional Collaboration Avenue
خیابان همکاری میان تلاش های مدنی
a) House of Intersectional Circles
a) House of Intersectional Circles
خانه حلقه های همکاری مدنی
https://intersectionalcircles. blogspot.com/
b) House of Dialogue About Pervasive Social Mistrust Among the Iranian People
خانه گفتگو در باره بی اعتمادی فراگیر اجتماعی میان مردم ایران
- ETC.
7- Dialogue, Peace, and Friendship Avenue
خیابان گفتگو, آشتی, و دوستی
a) House of Peace and Friendship Between Iranians Inside and Outside Iran
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیان داخل و خارج کشور
b) House of Peace and Friendship Between Religious and Non-religious Iranians
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیان دین مدار و غیر دینی
c) House of Peace and Friendship Among the Iranians of Various Sects, Religions, and Spiritual Practices
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیان دین مدار و غیر دینی
c) House of Peace and Friendship Among the Iranians of Various Sects, Religions, and Spiritual Practices
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیانی که ادیان, مذاهب, و آیین های معنوی گوناگون دارند
d) House of Peace and Friendship Between Iranian Women and Men
خانه آشتی و دوستی زنان و مردان ایرانی
e) House of Peace and Friendship Among the Iranians of Various Ethnic Groups
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیان متعلق به اقوام گوناگون
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیان متعلق به اقوام گوناگون
f) House of Peace and Friendship Between Poor and Rich Iranians
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیان ندار و دارا
g) House of Peace and Friendship Among the Iranians of Various Generations
خانه آشتی و دوستی ایرانیان متعلق به نسلهای گوناگون
g (1) Room of Dialogue Between Iranian Grandparents and Grandchildren
اتاق گفتگوی پدر/مادربزرگ ها و نوه های ایرانی
g (2) Room of Dialogue Between Young (18-35) and Middle-aged (36-59) Iranians
اتاق گفتگوی جوانان (18-35) و میانسالان (36-59) ایرانی
- ETC.
PART ONE: Historical Overview:
Internal Despotism, External Colonialism -- A brief "personal" essay by Moji Agha:
(Letters Section—in Boulder, Colorado's main newspaper, the Daily Camera--Oct. 07, 2018)
PART TWO: Policy Overview:
Brief summary of the basic points -- by: Moji Agha (September, 2020)
A careful review of the Iran- and the region-related developments in the past four decades (since the 1979 Revolution) of the American foreign policy toward Iran, reveals the following three (basically "colonial") policies, often poorly implemented, in confusion, and (at times) in major conflict with one another:
a) Regime Change Policy (with crippling sanctions--apparently hoping for, but also fearing) the development of yet another "failed state" in West Asia/North Africa--mainly pursued by right-wing Republicans, neocons, and their regional "allies."
b) Containment Policy (with moderate to severe sanctions), pursued by centrist/corporate democrats and moderate republicans.
c) Critical Engagement Policy (still with sanctions), pursued by the Obama Administration, finally producing, despite all challenges, the Iran Nuclear Deal, which was abrogated by Trump and company--hence the acute crisis that is currently festering--and the Biden Administration seems inclined to use it as leverage, in an "eat the cake and have it too" manner.
Urgently needed is genuine movement toward a truly respectful and dialogue-centered (non-colonial) active peace-seeking JUST ENGAGEMENT POLICY (returning the U.S. to the Iran Nuclear Deal and removing all sanctions, absolutely as soon as possible), thus recognizing that socially and economically fair democracy and peace--in the U.S., Iran, and the region--are two sides of the same coin of justice and sustainability; especially now that our Grandmother Earth's ever worsening (now COVID-awakened) human-caused climate crisis is compelling those of us who care to work together ever more urgently.
Doctrine of Just Peace--Starting with Iran:
This peace-centered JUST ENGAGEMENT Iran policy would finally recognize that Iran's 1979 Revolution was indeed an attempt at a democratic struggle to overcome both "external colonialism" and "internal despotism" (two sides of the same coin--per Mossadegh), but it was forced to resort to "liberation theology" (in an "Islamic" form) because of the horrific legacy of the (CIA/MI6) 1953 coup.
By disavowing exceptionalist "colonial" extremism (with its deeply Orientalist humiliating civilizational double standards) such a would-be Doctrine of Just Peace (based on truly "soft" -- thus real power -- i.e., the moral power of restorative diplomacy) would consequently remove a deep underlying -- and festering -- reason for continued radicalism, extremism, and terrorism IN THE NAME (of a very aberrant politicized reading) of "Islam" -- and hence it would help the healthy evolution of pluralistic democracy (and social justice, hence sustainable development) in Iran, and the region.
Consequently, we are proposing herein, the below-pasted Urgent Statement of Peace Principle, endorsed by Archbishop Tutu and Professors Chomsky, West, and Falk; the essence of which is summarized in the simple, hence profound message of peace (in this 5-minute video clip) from the American people to the Iranian people:
Restorative Meta Diplomacy
In other words (and as a hopeful part of the above-mentioned "Just Engagement/Peace Policy") in order to save and reinvigorate the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) our hoped for "restorative meta diplomatic" peace approach would, at its very core, be a collaboration, on the common ground of badly needed peace and (also regional) stability, between the Iranian and American nonviolent pluralist forces that seek to save and strengthen the two sides of the coin of justice-based democracy and genuine peace; a coin that has been under (mutually reinforcing) intense militaristic right-wing ("religious" in appearance) pressure, for at least 4 decades, both in Iran and -- in a different, more "corporate" form -- in the U.S.
Such a collaborative peace ethos has been a factor (in July 2019) in the call for a "Coalition for [justice-based] Peace" by (the former--reformist) Iranian President Mohammad Khatami (https://www.theguardian.com/ commentisfree/2019/jul/22/ trump-punishing-iran-risks- full-scale-war), which we hope would be paid close attention to by President Biden and his foreign policy team.
Relatedly, this (late 2019) civil society attempt by President Khatami is also of note, namely his open letter (in English) to the Secretary General of the United Nations, herein:
Such calls by Mr. Khatami are only two of many social democratic peace overtures that have been made, at least within the past two years, by Iran's nonviolent (NOT for "regime change") prominent civil society leaders, such as Mostafa Tajzadeh.
Petitioning for Iran Peace--June 2019
The full English text of the
The full English text of the
Urgent Statement of Peace Principle: A Petition Urging the U.S. to Return to the Iran Nuclear Deal
Honorary Co-endorsers:
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)
Bio herein: https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Desmond_Tutu
- Prof. Noam Chomsky;
- Prof. Cornel West;
Bio herein: https://utsnyc.edu/cornel- west-returns-to-union/
- Prof. Richard Falk;
O' friends of peace:
As the very tense year of 2019 keeps becoming even more crisis-filled, we the undersigned, ethically and morally endorse this Urgent Statement of Peace Principle, because we are increasingly alarmed by the continually worrisome international developments in the already volatile Persian Gulf (and the Middle East) region; Further escalating tensions, in the wake of the U.S. administration's sanctions-imposing and war-mongering 2018 unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a difficult and long multilaterally negotiated "Iran nuclear agreement" that was (and still is) a rather promising international convergence to enhance global peace, backed by the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.
Thus, we the undersigned, encourage and support all members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, and also all of the candidates for the American Presidential Elections in 2020 (like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) who have clearly stated the prudent and law-guided policy desire of returning the U.S. to the JCPOA. Such sanctions-lifting and war-averting unambiguous renewed affirmations of and adherence to the Iran Nuclear Agreement would send a very significant signal, namely that America is not a "rogue" nation, and instead it seeks peaceful and respectful resolution of international conflicts.
We believe strongly that policies of coercive diplomacy and intervention are doomed to continued failure, especially due to the increasing resurgence of the historical agency of those nations and peoples who have been colonized (directly or indirectly), resulting in a politics and ethics of resistance. Hence, our "post-colonial" history should compel us to be much wiser; and, for example, move away from coercive to restorative diplomacy, so we can hopefully transition toward a peaceful future.
Thus, we the undersigned, encourage and support all members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, and also all of the candidates for the American Presidential Elections in 2020 (like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) who have clearly stated the prudent and law-guided policy desire of returning the U.S. to the JCPOA. Such sanctions-lifting and war-averting unambiguous renewed affirmations of and adherence to the Iran Nuclear Agreement would send a very significant signal, namely that America is not a "rogue" nation, and instead it seeks peaceful and respectful resolution of international conflicts.
We believe strongly that policies of coercive diplomacy and intervention are doomed to continued failure, especially due to the increasing resurgence of the historical agency of those nations and peoples who have been colonized (directly or indirectly), resulting in a politics and ethics of resistance. Hence, our "post-colonial" history should compel us to be much wiser; and, for example, move away from coercive to restorative diplomacy, so we can hopefully transition toward a peaceful future.
Accepting its multilaterally negotiated JCPOA obligations, we want the U.S. to return to full compliance with all the provisions of this "painfully negotiated" peace-building agreement; thus showing a renewed American commitment to and respect for international law, and for peace and stability, as opposed to coercion, threats, sanctions, and war(s) that result in massive and deep suffering, especially among innocent civilian populations.
Hence, we encourage and support doing all that is possible, by all who care deeply for peace and justice, to include taking all relevant tension-reducing and trust-enhancing possible steps, toward a careful renewal; a re-tilling, with prudence and wisdom, of the soil of reinvigorated principled multilateral and bilateral JCPOA-based talks and collaborations, in order to begin the process of repairing, and eventually overcoming, the profound damage, in particular to the global credibility of the U.S., that President Trump Administration's highly reckless policies and conduct have caused, especially regarding Iran, and throughout the region.
We the signers of this urgent statement of principled peace, hereby declare, with the worried but clear voices of our collective conscience, that in this era of perilous climate change replacing “maximum pressure” with maximum goodwill is a moral must, not only for the sake of global peace and security, but due to the fact that this time, we humans are shouldering (whether we are aware of it or not) the perilous responsibility of safeguarding the sustainability and even the very survival of our own species, and of life itself, on our deeply imperiled Grandmother Earth.
NOTE: Drafted and translated into Persian by Moji Agha (Mojtaba Aghamohammadi), an Iranian-American peace and Earth activist, whose mini-bio is herein:
Editors of the petition: Prof. Noam Chomsky and Prof. Richard Falk.
Peace in the Middle: Caring and
Moderate Independent Peace-seekers of Iran
آشتی در میان: صلحجویان افراط گریز و مستقل دلسوز ایران (صامد ایران)
صفحه موقتی -- حاوی چرکنویس محتویات اولیه
Temporary (2018) page -- Contents are initial draft materials
خبر مهم: به عنوان "تایید کنندگان افتخاری" این پروژه تا کنون اساتید شهیر نوام چامسکی، ریچارد فالک، و کرنل وست به ما پیوسته اند. لطفا به بخش "همراهان" در پایین دقت فرمائید
Important News
Honorary Endorsers of this project--so far
Professors Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, and Richard Falk
Please see below
A bilingual message of peace from the American people to the Iranian people
یک پیام صلح دوزبانه برای مردم ایران، از مردم امریکا
لطفا این کلیپ کوتاه را ببینید
فهرست محتویات
English translation below the Persian original in each section
- اهداف >> Mission
- روش فعالیت ها >> Methods of Operation
- کنش های آغازین >> Initial Actions
- همراهان >> Who We Are
- تماس >> Contact
در شرایط شدیدا بحرانی و خطرناک حاضر، خشونت های "استعمار خارجی" بیشترین آسیب را نه به اقتدارگرایان تمامیت خواه داخل ایران، بلکه به تلاش های خشونت پرهیز (بدون وابستگی مستقیم یا غیر مستقیم به قدرت های استعماری) مردم تحت تحریم و در خطر جنگ ایران میرساند، که دغدغه شان داشتن یک "حکومت بهتر" -- یعنی عدالت و مردم سالاری -- است. از این رو، شالوده اصلی تلاش های ما خشونت پرهیزان مقیم خارج از کشور، که در این گروه مدنی فعال یا حامی هستیم، بر حمایت و هماهنگی با کنشگران دلسوز هم دغدغه مان در داخل کشور استوار است.
بر این پایه، هدف اصلی این گروه، یعنی "آشتی در میان--آدم: صلحجویان افراط گریز و مستقل دلسوز ایران--صامد ایران،" همکاری در جهت آغاز و بالنده سازی یک تشکل مردمی آشتی-محور، بشردوستانه و بدور از افراط و تفریط و خشونت -- و کاملا مستقل از "استعمار خارجی" و تک صدایی تمامیت گرای داخلی -- است، تا به دلیل همترازي و افقی (یعنی بدون سلسله مراتب بالا به پایین) و حداقلی بودن این تلاش مدنی-اخلاقی چابک و کنشگر، بتوانیم در حد امکان به توانمند سازی صدای اعتدال، صلح، و عدالت خواهی مردم آسیب پذیر ایران، بویژه در شرایط وخیم حاضر، یاری رسانیم.
به عبارت دیگر، اهداف اصلی ما بر این سه پایه استوار است: الف- حفظ ایران ورای دیدگاههای سیاسی، ب- حمایت همگرایانه از تمامیت ارضی کشور و حفظ امنیت عمومی و پرهیز از هرگونه قطبی سازی و اغتشاش داخلی، و پ- نفی هرگونه سلطه خارجی--و به تبع آن تحریم و جنگ. پس بدیهی است که پاسداری از استقلال این پروژه بشردوستانه از اولویت های زیربنایی ماست.
بنابراین تمامی تلاش های ما غیر مالی-انتفاعی، داوطلبانه، و مستقل و کاملا عاری از هر گونه وابستگی (بویژه اقتصادی، مالی و سازمانی--و البته سیاسی) به هر گونه دولت، کمپانی، سازمان، یا نهاد مرتبط،--در هر سطح--بویژه با "استعمار خارجی" (و چهره های کریه و متنوع آن) خواهد بود. هر گونه حمایت مالی از فعالیت های ما، اگر نیازی بدان باشد، کاملا مردمی بوده (یعنی بوسیله افرادی که اعضا و هواداران تلاش ما هستند)، و صد در صد شفاف و در دسترس عموم خواهد بود.
بر این اساس، صدای مدنی، آشتی جو، افراط گریز، و البته مظلوم مردم ستمدیده ایران باید (در راستای هم افزایی) به صدای مردمی صلح خواهان و عدالت مداران غیر ایرانی بپیوندد، تا آنکه دولتمردان -- و زنان -- کشور های جهان (بویژه آنهایی که در توافق "برجام" باقی مانده اند) بدانند که مردم ایران، مستقل از نیروهای استعماری (خارجی) و اقتدارگرا (داخلی) خواهان حفظ استقلال و تمامیت ارضی کشور، صلح و همزیستی در منطقه و جهان، عدالت، مدنیت، و محیط زیستی پایدار میباشند.
Iran's present conditions are extremely difficult. In this dire situation, the violent policies of "external colonialism" (especially its virulent post cold war corporate-American incarnation) inflict "maximum pressure" and harm. The re-imposition of U.S. economic sanctions and American (and especially Trumpist) war-mongering does not harm the "internal despotism" within Iran; instead, such policies severely impair the nonviolent efforts of the Iranian people for better governance via justice and democracy
Thus, we are in the beginning stages of building a not-for-profit (structurally horizontal and organizationally minimal) civic association of Iranian activists living outside of Iran who are committed to nonviolence, peace, and social justice-oriented democracy. Our aim (for this civility-minded moral/ethical activism-oriented group) is to collaborate closely with activists (and through them with the people) inside Iran, who are committed to similar values and goals
Hence, empowering what already exists, we hope to be partners in building a more effective grassroots movement among Iranians everywhere, struggling for peace and justice--while avoiding extremism and violence. Inspired by the path of the late Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, our struggle is completely independent of both "external colonialism" and "internal despotism" within Iran--and beyond. Under the dire conditions that now prevail, moderate Iranians who seek peace and justice are extremely vulnerable. We will strive to empower such people, giving ourselves a more effective voice--a peaceful civilizing voice that we hope will reach and add to the justice-seeking voice of non-Iranian fellow lovers of genuine peace
We believe that it is very important that government leaders all over the world (especially those who remain committed to the "Iran Nuclear Deal" -- JCPOA) know that virtually everyone in Iran opposes both brutal sanctions and war. The people of Iran are intensely proud and will safeguard the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. On our deeply wounded Grandmother Earth, the great majority of the Iranian people seek justice, civility, and peaceful coexistence inside the country, as well as regionally and globally
روش فعالیت ها
خلاصه روش ها: تلاش مدنی خشونت پرهیز، فعالیت هماهنگ، دوری از افراط
روش راهبردی گروه مدنی آشتی در میان--آدم: صلحجویان افراط گریز و مستقل دلسوز ایران--صامد ایران
ایجاد، تشویق، پشتیبانی، و سامان دادن به تلاش های مستمر خشونت پرهیز مدنی افراط گریز ایرانیان خارج از کشور در حمایت از تلاش های مشابه در داخل کشور، یعنی:
۱- دادن اولویت راهبردی به دیدگاه ها، روش ها، و نصایح فعالان داخلی (در همکاری های ممکن و مناسب) بویژه در این حیطه ها: دقیقا دنبال کردن، داشتن ارتباط مرتب، و همافزایی سیستماتیک با تلاش های مدنی (و بویژه مخالف تحریم، "براندازی،" و جنگ) کنشگران افراط گریز، صلح طلب و خشونت پرهیز صاحب صلاحیت داخل کشور، مانند مصطفی تاجزاده و عیسی سحرخیز. این بدان معناست که ارتباطات و همکاری های غیر مستقیم ما با چنین فعالان دلسوز وطنی (بر حسب ضرورت) غیر سازمانی، کاملا داوطلبانه، و بدون پرداخت یا دریافت هر گونه پول، هدیه، یا مساعده ای بوده، و صرفا با هدف استفاده همافزایانه (در جهت رسیدن به اهداف این پروژه) از دیدگاه ها، تجارب، و نصایح این عزیزان انجام خواهد شد.
۲- تحلیل عمیق و بحث در مورد سیاست ها و تحولات جاری، یعنی اینکه بایستی مستمرا تحولات جامعه مدنی و سیاست های روز حکومت و دولت را، بویژه در حیطه روابط خارجی، مورد بررسی، تحلیل، و ارزیابی بدور از احساسات قرار دهیم (مثلا از طریق برگزار کردن جلسات فیزیکی و مجازی "باران اندیشه" موثر -- با حضور فعالان آگاه داخلی در محیط مجازی، هر جایی که ممکن است) تا آنکه بتوانیم راه حل های مفید و مناسبی را پیشنهاد کرده، و یا اینکه از رفتارهای سازنده جامعه مدنی و دولت-حکومت حمایت کنیم.
۳- نیاز داریم به درک عمیق ابعاد مختلف جنگ روانی خطرناک و گسترده ای که ایران را (علاوه بر تحریم ها و خطر واقعی جنگ) هدف قرار داده؛ پس باید در این جبهه هم فعال بوده تا بتوانیم تزها و راهکارهای مفیدی برای این مبارزه نیز ارائه دهیم.
۴- تقویت کار شبکه ای در سطوح و حوزههای مختلف گفتمان و فرایند اصلاح طلبی افراط گریز خشونت پرهیز.
۵- در کنار هدف اصلی حمایت از تنظیم امور در داخل کشور، بایستی تماس و جلب حمایت صلح خواهان غیر ایرانی را نیز به عنوان بخش مهمی از اهداف گروه آشتی در میان (آدم) مد نظر داشته باشیم.
Nonviolent civil struggle; Systemic collaboration; Avoidance of extremism
Dissemination of reliable information about Iran, collaboration with like-minded groups, organizing activities among Iranian expatriates, non-violent demonstrations (and other forms of civil activities) in the United States and elsewhere, systemically supporting non-violent activities inside Iran, strategic moderation, avoidance of extremism
Strategic core operational "heart" of our effort
Creating, encouraging, and organizing sustained nonviolent civil efforts among Iranian expatriates in support of similar efforts inside Iran, namely
I- Giving organic priority to the views and methods of the activists inside the country, in all possible and appropriate forms of collaboration, especially in the following areas
a) Strengthening collaborative networking and mutual empowerment at all possible levels and realms of our uniquely Iranian reformist nonviolent discourse and applied struggle
b) Close monitoring of events as well as maintaining appropriate, supportive, and
regular contacts (aimed at systemic empowerment of the nonviolent efforts of civil activists inside Iran) with qualified key figures, like Mostafa Tajzadeh, as long as such contacts and collaborations do not cause any "security" problems for (or endanger) them
II- Deep analysis and discussion about on-going developments and policies. Namely, we intend to conduct regular reviews, analyses, and assessments (away from clouding emotionality) of the complex developments of Iran's civil society and of the on-going policies of her elected government and ruling circles, especially with respect to the country's foreign relations, and most specifically regarding the increasingly dangerous U.S.-Iran relations
For example, we need to hold regular--and effective--brainstorming sessions, in person and/or via cyberspace (to include, whenever possible and safe, activists from inside Iran) in order to enable our group to formulate and suggest appropriate and useful possibly new solutions to Iran's complex problems, or to support the constructive behaviours and policies of the country's civil society and her government/rulers
III- We also need to deeply understand and help resist the various dimensions of the pervasive and increasingly dangerous ongoing psychological war (on top of the destructive "maximum pressure" sanctions and the constant threats of actual military attack) with which Iran has been targeted. Therefore, our group needs to be active also on this front, so as to be empowered to offer accurate analyses and useful methods of resisting such horrible dangers to peace, stability, and justice
IV- As an important adjunct to our "Peace in the Middle" group's main goal of helping Iran with her internal and especially external challenges, we need to reach out to and invite the support (especially in the U.S.) of non-Iranian nonviolent persons and groups who love peace and justice, on a thriving (not threatened) Mother Earth
کنش های آغازین
- بررسی چگونگی عملیاتی کردن و حمایت از پیشنهاد خلاق و زیبای مصطفی تاجزاده، یعنی تماس گیری احتمالی با دفتر سناتور برنی ساندرز برای دادن پیشنهاد "سفر صلح" او (شاید به همراهی نماینده مسلمان کنگره آمریکا، خانم ایلهان عمر) به ایران
NOTE: This project is to be updated with new developments in time
We are currently considering the if, when, and how of supporting (and possibly proceeding with) the following initial important "meta-diplomatic" peace initiative, that has evolved out of the beautiful and creative "peace trip" idea, suggested recently by Mostafa Tajzadeh, who has expressed his keen interest in doing what is possible and safe for him (and his civil society associates) inside Iran, in order to actualize the below-outlined potentially history-making Iran Peace Trip/Project
Iran Peace Trip: Initial Action Steps
I- Contacting, in time, the appropriate staff member(s) within the Office of the U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and (possibly) that of the newly elected Muslim-American Congresswoman, Representative Ilhan Omar, in order to explore this idea, namely a potentially historic "meta-diplomacy" Peace Trip to Iran, possibly as a part of an Iran Peace Trip--or trips
II- Carefully considering their feedback and guidance, and if we find that Senator Sanders and Congresswoman Omar view this groundbreaking meta-diplomatic peace-building idea favorably, developing an initial detailed draft proposal for the (collaborative) consideration of their respective Offices
III- An adjunct to such a herein proposed potential Iran Peace Trip (when appropriate and possible) would be to mention that the BOLD initial idea of Mostafa Tajzadeh (from inside Iran) regarding such a meta-diplomatic "people-to-people" peace trip also included the following potentially risky but courageous steps: a) Iran's President Rouhani contacting Former U.S. President Obama--possibly on the phone--in order to set the stage for b) Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to possibly invite (and formally host-- if diplomatically advisable) Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for such an imaginative peace-making informal peace-building trip to Iran, hopefully (and significantly, if/when possible and appropriate) with Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, and possibly other appropriate personalities, for example Prof. Cornel West and Prof. Richard Falk
لیست ناقص و در حال شکل گیری همراهان
An incomplete and evolving list
حامیان افتخاری
Honorary Endorsers
Prof. Noam Chomsky
Aug. 25, 2018: ...I am glad to be listed
as an Honorary Endorser. Noam Chomsky
as an Honorary Endorser. Noam Chomsky
Prof. Richard Falk
Sept. 16, 2018: Dear Moji Agha: ... [This is] a
timely and benevolent response to the dangerous developments pertaining to the future of Iran and indeed the region and our world...[thus] I am honored to join Noam Chomsky as an Honorary Endorser [of this project], and hope that you keep us informed about your plans for gaining support. Richard Falk
Prof. Cornel West
Sept. 16, 2018: Indeed! [Becoming an
Honorary Endorser of this project] would be my
blessing and honor! Stay strong my brother Moji. Cornel West
از درون ایران
From inside Iran
IMPORTANT NOTE: On the basis of our project's statements of goals and methods (above), the following persons, from inside Iran, are not affiliated with this effort in any formal capacity. They only help us completely voluntarily (and as needed) as unofficial advisors or associates
نکته مهم: بر اساس بیانیه های اهداف و روشهای این پروژه--که در بالا آمده، افراد زیر (از داخل ایران) هیچگونه بستگی رسمی به این تلاش ندارند؛ و فقط (بر حسب نیاز--و کاملا داوطلبانه) به طور غیر رسمی به عنوان مشاوران یا کمک کنندگان جانبی به ما یاری میرسانند
ناشناس ۱ -- فعال مدنی ضد جنگ
تهران، ایران
Anonymous 1 -- Anti-war Civility Activist
Tehran, Iran
ناشناس ۲ -- فعال مدنی ضد جنگ
تهران، ایران
Anonymous 2 -- Anti-war Civility Activist
Tehran, Iran
More inside Iran helpers TBA
اعضای تیم کاری--خارج از کشور
Sept. 16, 2018: Dear Moji Agha: ... [This is] a
timely and benevolent response to the dangerous developments pertaining to the future of Iran and indeed the region and our world...[thus] I am honored to join Noam Chomsky as an Honorary Endorser [of this project], and hope that you keep us informed about your plans for gaining support. Richard Falk
Prof. Cornel West
Sept. 16, 2018: Indeed! [Becoming an
Honorary Endorser of this project] would be my
blessing and honor! Stay strong my brother Moji. Cornel West
از درون ایران
From inside Iran
IMPORTANT NOTE: On the basis of our project's statements of goals and methods (above), the following persons, from inside Iran, are not affiliated with this effort in any formal capacity. They only help us completely voluntarily (and as needed) as unofficial advisors or associates
نکته مهم: بر اساس بیانیه های اهداف و روشهای این پروژه--که در بالا آمده، افراد زیر (از داخل ایران) هیچگونه بستگی رسمی به این تلاش ندارند؛ و فقط (بر حسب نیاز--و کاملا داوطلبانه) به طور غیر رسمی به عنوان مشاوران یا کمک کنندگان جانبی به ما یاری میرسانند
ناشناس ۱ -- فعال مدنی ضد جنگ
تهران، ایران
Anonymous 1 -- Anti-war Civility Activist
Tehran, Iran
ناشناس ۲ -- فعال مدنی ضد جنگ
تهران، ایران
Anonymous 2 -- Anti-war Civility Activist
Tehran, Iran
اعضای تیم کاری--خارج از کشور
Action Team Members--Outside Iran
Moji Agha--Mojtaba Aghamohammadi
Boulder (near Denver), Colorado
Initiator of the project and its initial coordinator
https://www.laprogressive.com/ author/moji-agha/ Mini bio
مجتبی آقامحمدی، آغازگر و هماهنگ کننده پروژه
مجتبی آقامحمدی، آغازگر و هماهنگ کننده پروژه
More Action Team Members TBA
اعضای وابسته تیم کاری
Action Team Associates
Iranian Associates -- Advisory Capacity
Iranian Associates -- Advisory Capacity
Mahmoud Sadri
Denton, Texas
Professor of Sociology, Texas Woman’s University, Denton Campus
محمود صدری
استاد جامعه شناسی در دانشگاه زن تکزاس، امریکا
نواندیش دینی
نادر هاشمی نواندیش دینی
Nader Hashemi
Denver, Colorado
Associate Professor of Middle East and Islamic politics at Josef Korbel School of International Studies, and Director of the Center for Middle East Studies
University of Denver
استاد مطالعات خاورمیانه و اسلام سیاسی (و مدیر بخش مطالعات خاورمیانه) در دانشگاه دنور در کلرادو، امریکا
More Action Team Associates TBA
Non-Iranian Associates
مشاوران و حامیان ایرانی
Iranian Advisors/Supporters
Iranian Advisors/Supporters
فرخ نگهدار
لندن، انگلیس
فعال سیاسی و رهبر مدنی پیشکسوت و شناخته شده، در حال حاضر هوادار محکم سوسیال دمکراسی و جنبش اعتدال گرای اصلاح طلبی ("سبز") خشونت پرهیز؛ سابقا، زندانی سیاسی و رهبر نام-آشنا و پر تجربه سازمان (و چریک های مسلح) فدایی خلق ایران--اکثریت--همکار حزب توده، با ایدئولوژی پوپولیستی-انقلابی مارکسیست-لنینیستی
Farrokh Negahdar
London, England
Seasoned political and civil society leading activist, currently a strong social democratic advocate of the nonviolent and moderate Iranian reformist ("Green") movement; Former political prisoner and prominent leader of a major Leftist Iranian political party, with a populist revolutionary Marxist-Leninist armed guerrilla organization
عبد الحق -- نام عرفانی پروفسور آلن گادلس -- لطفا برای دیدن خلاصه سوابق ایشان، به بخش "مشاوران غیر ایرانی" (در زیر) نگاه کنید، و توجه فرمائید: به دلیل "ایرانی بودن" عمیق این انسان بی همتا، ما اینجا هم افتخار ذکر نام ایشان را (به عنوان یکی از "مشاوران ایرانی" این پروژه) داریم
Alan Godlas--Sufi name: Abd al-Haqq
Athens, Georgia
For Prof. Godlas' mini-bio please see the "Non-Iranian Advisors" section, below
NOTE: He is listed here, also as an "Iranian" Advisor, due to his unique & deep Iranian-ness
عبد الحق -- نام عرفانی پروفسور آلن گادلس -- لطفا برای دیدن خلاصه سوابق ایشان، به بخش "مشاوران غیر ایرانی" (در زیر) نگاه کنید، و توجه فرمائید: به دلیل "ایرانی بودن" عمیق این انسان بی همتا، ما اینجا هم افتخار ذکر نام ایشان را (به عنوان یکی از "مشاوران ایرانی" این پروژه) داریم
More Iranian Advisors TBA
مشاوران و حامیان غیر ایرانی
Non-Iranian Advisors/Supporters
For Prof. Godlas' mini-bio please see the "Non-Iranian Advisors" section, below
NOTE: He is listed here, also as an "Iranian" Advisor, due to his unique & deep Iranian-ness
عبد الحق -- نام عرفانی پروفسور آلن گادلس -- لطفا برای دیدن خلاصه سوابق ایشان، به بخش "مشاوران غیر ایرانی" (در زیر) نگاه کنید، و توجه فرمائید: به دلیل "ایرانی بودن" عمیق این انسان بی همتا، ما اینجا هم افتخار ذکر نام ایشان را (به عنوان یکی از "مشاوران ایرانی" این پروژه) داریم
More Iranian Advisors TBA
مشاوران و حامیان غیر ایرانی
Non-Iranian Advisors/Supporters
Alan Godlas--Sufi name: Abd al-Haqq
Athens, Georgia
Advanced practitioner of Sufism, and advocate for genuine Peace; Studied Persian Literature & Sufi spirituality, University of Tehran, Iran; Associate Professor (and Director, Virtual Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Islamic World), Department of Religion, University of Georgia, Athens; Teaches advanced courses in Sufism & Islamic Studies, World Religions, and Arabic, Persian & Turkish languages; His celebrated scholarship has included the development of an interdisciplinary framework for the study of religion, and the relationship between Islam, modernism, and postmodernism
David Barsamian
Founder and Anchor, Alternative Radio--in Boulder, Colorado
Award-winning Armenian-American independent investigative journalist; Seasoned "Chomskyan" peace & justice activist/public intellectual; Author of many books; Has reported extensively about & from the Middle East--including inside Iran
Athens, Georgia
Advanced practitioner of Sufism, and advocate for genuine Peace; Studied Persian Literature & Sufi spirituality, University of Tehran, Iran; Associate Professor (and Director, Virtual Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Islamic World), Department of Religion, University of Georgia, Athens; Teaches advanced courses in Sufism & Islamic Studies, World Religions, and Arabic, Persian & Turkish languages; His celebrated scholarship has included the development of an interdisciplinary framework for the study of religion, and the relationship between Islam, modernism, and postmodernism
David Barsamian
Founder and Anchor, Alternative Radio--in Boulder, Colorado
Award-winning Armenian-American independent investigative journalist; Seasoned "Chomskyan" peace & justice activist/public intellectual; Author of many books; Has reported extensively about & from the Middle East--including inside Iran
Guthrie Miller
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Physicist (retired), Los Alamos National Laboratory; Seasoned peace and justice activist, advocating (in part) a world free of nuclear weapons
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Physicist (retired), Los Alamos National Laboratory; Seasoned peace and justice activist, advocating (in part) a world free of nuclear weapons
Law Office of Bruce Bridegroom
Attorney; Writer/Filmmaker; Historian; Peace activist
More non-Iranian Advisors TBA
Key Partners--organizations or persons
همراهان کلیدی--گروه ها یا افراد
مشاور حقوقی
Bruce Bridegroom
Tucson, ArizonaLaw Office of Bruce Bridegroom
Attorney; Writer/Filmmaker; Historian; Peace activist
More non-Iranian Advisors TBA
همراهان کلیدی--گروه ها یا افراد
مجتبی آقامحمدی
Moji Agha--Mojtaba Aghamohammadi
MAIL: moji.agha@gmail.com
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